Event | Webinar

PTAB Proposed Rule Changes – Impact on Parties

Region: Americas
12 June 2023
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This webinar will address the potential impact of the ANPRM on parties to PTAB proceedings, including impacts on smaller entities, on whether and how to collaborate in post-grant proceedings, and on the estoppel effect on related parties. In particular, the panel will explore the proposals regarding: special rules for under-resourced parties and disclosure requirements, a “substantial relationship” test that would trigger discretionary denial, and limitations on who can file a petition.

Moderated by Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP’s Tamara Fraizer, panelists will include:

  • Brent Babcock – Loeb & Loeb
  • Marshall Schmitt – Michael Best
  • Ashraf Fawzy – Unified Patents