Event | London

ICC YAAF: Energy Arbitrations in a Time of Crisis and Transition

Region: Europe
5 December 2023
Squire Patton Boggs
60 London Wall, London, EC2M 5TQ

The ICC YAAF event on Energy Arbitrations in a Time of Crisis and Transition will take place in-person and virtually on 5 December 2023. The panel will discuss energy market developments and disputes with a focus on LNG, renewable energy and hydrogen. Our speakers will present a diverse spectrum of views from in-house counsel, academia and private practice.

As we will be serving drinks and canapés after the panel and Q&A sessions, the event will offer an excellent setting for socialising and networking for in-person attendees and allow us the opportunity to meet in-person in a relaxed environment.

There will be an opportunity to attend either in-person or virtually so please select your preference when registering. We will confirm your place by return email.

Event Details

The shift towards clean energy to avert a climate change disaster and changing global politics have given rise to a surge in energy disputes, in both the renewable and non-renewable sectors. This trend is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. The speakers will: (i) examine current trends in the energy industry focusing on LNG, renewable energy and hydrogen; (ii) discuss the drivers behind current and likely future disputes; and (iii) consider the role of arbitration in resolving such disputes.


  • Naomi Briercliffe – Partner, Squire Patton Boggs
  • Max Rockall – Partner, Squire Patton Boggs
  • Karolina Latasz – Senior Associate, Squire Patton Boggs
  • Agnieszka Ason – Senior Visiting Research Fellow and Independent Energy Lawyer, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies and Founder of Ason Energy
  • Ana Esther Martinez – Legal Director, Cubico Sustainable Investments, London