
Squire Patton Boggs Sends Open Letter to the European Commission and BEREC on Achieving Greater Harmonization for the EU Electronic Communications Sector

September 2024
Region: Europe

We sent an open letter to the European Commission and Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) suggesting useful measures that could be taken under the EU Electronic Communications Code (EECC) to achieve greater harmonization for the EU electronic communications sector. Our comments are based on our extensive experience with the application of the EECC, and four decades of experience with regulations that have shaped this sector across the world. The lack of harmonization has been identified as a missed economic opportunity by the recent White Paper on how to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs. While we hope that the actions that we have proposed will be implemented and will stimulate further reforms to remove artificial regulatory barriers to entry, our firm has also created a one-stop shop solution to comply with the various national filings required by the national laws transposing the EECC across 30 jurisdictions and thus overcoming the regulatory hurdles created by the fragmented implementation of the EECC.

If you have any questions regarding this open letter, please contact Francesco Liberatore.