Gardner Foster is of counsel in the firm’s Communications Practice Group. Gardner brings over 20 years of experience in telecommunications law and federal regulatory policy to the team and concentrates his practice on matters relating to licensing, compliance and transactions.
Prior to joining private practice, Gardner played a lead advocacy role in licensing and regulatory proceedings as a principal at a leading aerospace company and as a senior counsel provided advice, guidance and advocacy on spectrum policy matters at a mobile network operator.
Before entering the private sector, Gardner spent over a decade in the International Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission. As Assistant Bureau Chief, he served as Legal and Policy Counsel to the Bureau Chief for all Satellite Division-related functions, played a lead role in evaluating mergers, transfers of control and acquisitions of telecommunications companies, co-chaired the agency’s Inter-Bureau Cyber Security Policy Working Group, and lead proceedings on promoting the terrestrial mobile broadband use of Mobile Satellite System (MSS) spectrum.