Shawn Harwood is a nationally recognized trade investigations specialist in the firm’s International Trade & Foreign Investment Practice, based in Washington DC. His broad expertise supports the practice’s work in regulatory investigations, including customs compliance and sanctions, trade and government contract disputes and international partnerships. Shawn’s unique background offers clients critical support in addressing issues related to export control regulations, antidumping/countervailing duties and Section 232/301 tariffs. As a former criminal investigator and human rights consultant, he enhances the firm’s white collar and trade investigations, as well as assisting clients to develop risk mitigation strategies and implement supply chain compliance and due diligence programs.
Shawn previously served as a senior special agent and international attaché with US Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), which included long-term deployments in Mainland China and the UK. In China, he focused on collaborative IPR investigations with host-country customs and police partners, spearheaded counter-fraud initiatives with private industry and played a key role in implementing the 2021 Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. In the UK, Shawn managed the HSI counter-proliferation program, targeting state-sponsored theft of US export-controlled materials and conducted export compliance outreach with defense industry partners. His extensive global experience provides a wealth of international intelligence assets to support in-country investigations, cross-border trade compliance and crisis resolution.
Most recently, after retiring from government service, Shawn founded a consultancy specializing in supply chain risk management, human rights due diligence and customs regulatory compliance. He holds degrees in economics and English literature from the University of Virginia and a master’s degree in security studies from the Naval Postgraduate School. Shawn is a published author, accomplished public speaker, and adjunct professor for Virginia Commonwealth University’s Homeland Security and Emergency Planning program.