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Artificial Intelligence Bias and Data Transparency in the Legal Workplace and Beyond

Region: Americas
17 July 2018
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As businesses make decisions on black box algorithms or data that is gathered or used without thorough analysis by legal and compliance teams, companies raise their risk of lawsuits, including employment lawsuits, discrimination lawsuits and risk damage to its reputation. Moreover, use of artificial intelligence (AI) that may create bias in the legal workplace can damage diversity, inclusion and perpetuate bias. Could decisions to provide financial products or services, or the making of employment decisions such as advancing associates in a law firm based on data such as gender correlation without fully understanding the bias underlying the data or the disparate impact give rise to liability? Could sampling demographic data that does not appropriately describe a population, or not properly aggregating data lead to faulty decisions? In this discussion, we will focus on common areas where data biasing may occur, including types of AI techniques that may be prone to algorithmic bias.

Partners Michael W. Kelly, Katharine J. Liao and Huu Nguyen will be joined by Wendy Callaghan from American International Group, Inc. for a discussion that will also focus on the legal issues that may arise from the use of these systems.

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