Event | Frankfurt

Life Sciences Day

Region: Europe
20 September 2018
Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof
Am Kaiserplatz
Frankfurt Main 60311
Related Professionals:

Along with the Federal Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (BPI), the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany and the Federal Association of German In-house Lawyers (BUJ), we cordially invite you to attend our Life Sciences Day on 20 September 2018 in Frankfurt.

The trend for public and private healthcare systems over the past few years has involved strained revenues and declining margins. Finite resources will continue to be taxed with necessary infrastructure projects and an increase in demand, plus advancements in technology and healthcare in general. Investment will need to focus on a growing, and aging, population, along with market expansion, advancements and cost-of-living increases that include greater labour costs. All of this makes it difficult to retain full insurance coverage in an affordable manner, with healthcare providers needing to join forces to attain any advantage in the market.

Our experts, with extensive industry and country experience in the US and Germany, will present the latest developments and look forward to answering your individual questions from your daily business.

We would be delighted to welcome you to this event!

Our Life Sciences Day will cover the following topics:

  • Global Investment and Policy Challenges – Eroom’s Law, or Why – Despite Great Science – the Average Drug Company Is Losing Money on Its R&D Investment
  • EU Medical Device Regulation – What Are the Requirements of Device Development, How Can We Identify and Manage Risks, and Which Data Is Required to Support a Clinical Trial Application?
  • Public Health Sector – Reimbursement Policies in Germany and the US as a Risk of Global Medical Progress: What Are the Challenges and How Can We Achieve a Successful Market Launch?
  • Class Actions in Germany, Europe and the US – What Can Be Expected if the “Musterfeststellungsklage” Is Introduced in Germany and How Can We Deal With the Recent EU Developments? What Is the Experience in the US?
  • Fostering Digital Health Innovation – Status Quo and How It Will Impact Our Future
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – First Practical Experiences With the New Regulation

If you are interested in attending, please let us know by 17 September 2018. Please register by email: veranstaltungen@squirepb.com