A recording of this webinar is now available to view online.
The employment landscape in India is complex, with a multitude of laws to be taken into account, some of which date back to the early part of the last century. As one of the world’s fastest-growing economies over recent years, India’s employment legislation has needed to adapt to the global economy and we have seen a number of legislative changes, with more on the horizon.
Businesses with operations in India, as well as those looking to enter India, need to be on top of the evolving employment legislation landscape.
During this webinar, Isha Malhotra, an India employment specialist and member of our 100-strong global India Practice and Aliff Fazelbhoy, senior partner at ALMT Legal, a frequent collaborator with Squire Patton Boggs, will discuss:
Indian employment legislation (including India-specific aspects)
Key points to consider when hiring
Structuring compensation packages
Issues associated with workforce reductions/terminations
Transfers of employees
Expatriate and secondment arrangements for non-Indian employees
Proposed employment legislation changes
The webinar will be moderated by partner Julia Yeo, a Singapore-based Asia employment specialist.
The webinar will be a 50-minute presentation, followed by a 10-minute online question and answer session.
Intended to help you manage labour and employment law risk across your international operations, the webinar will be of interest to both HR professionals and in-house counsel.
The content of this webinar is for information purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal advice on Indian law, nor should it be regarded as a substitute for taking legal advice or be construed as either Squire Patton Boggs or ALMT Legal providing Indian law advice. ALMT Legal is an independent and unconnected law firm.