Event | Birmingham

Data Breach Master Class

Region: Europe
22 January 2020
Squire Patton Boggs
Rutland House
148 Edmund Street
Birmingham B3 2JR

Our practical, half-day master class which includes a simulated data breach response exercise, will bring together experienced data protection, cybersecurity, compliance, litigation, forensic, insurance, PR and other experts to share their experiences and insights on key aspects of data breach preparation, response and litigation:

  • GDPR Fines and Enforcement
  • Data Breach Preparedness and Response
  • PR – Do’s and Don’ts
  • Cross-border Management
  • Defending Against Sweeping Supervisory Authority Powers
  • Damages Claims
  • Potential for "Class Action" Style Lawsuits; Controller/Processor Cross-claims
  • Cyber-Insurance
  • Experiences From the Front Line

Our own data protection specialists, as well as representatives from top-level organisations, including ITC Secure, Hill+Knowlton Strategies, Deloitte and Beazley, will be presenting during our programme and will be on hand to answer questions during and after the master class.

For more information on this event, contact Rhys Gillard, +44 113 284 7216

1:30 − 2 p.m. Registration
2 − 6 p.m. Programme
6 − 7:30 p.m. Reception