Event | Webinar

Privacy Impact Assessment Master Class: US State Privacy Impact Assessment Requirements and Implementation Strategy

Region: Americas
18 October 2023
Related Professionals:

Has your organization implemented a scalable privacy impact assessment process? Learn how the pros are advising organizations on the US state level privacy law requirements for privacy impact assessments. These assessments must be retained and available for regulatory inspection, and California is proposing filing of summaries of all assessments conducted.

Hear from Ankura data privacy experts David Manek and David Farber, along with Alan Friel and Sasha Kiosse from our Data Privacy, Cybersecurity & Digital Assets Practice.

This master class webinar will broaden your understanding of:

  1. Background on GDPR Article 35 Data Protection Impact Assessments
  2. Assessment requirements for new US state consumer privacy laws and California’s Age Appropriate Design Act and the practical need for assessments to meet new health data privacy law requirements
  3. Additional assessment considerations, beyond personal data issues, for AI, automated decision-making and profiling
  4. Deep dive into the draft requirements for privacy and cyber assessments under consideration published by the California Privacy Protection Agency, as well as under the recently finalized Colorado regulations
  5. Operationalizing privacy assessments supported by a target operating model
  6. The benefits and challenges when utilizing privacy assessment technology to support privacy assessments

Join us for this informative and interactive webinar to find out how to implement a scalable privacy impact assessment process.

Hosted by Ankura and featuring Alan Friel, Chair of our Data Privacy, Cybersecurity & Digital Assets Practice, Sasha Kiosse, Associate in our Data Privacy, Cybersecurity & Digital Assets Practice, David Manek, Ankura’s Data Privacy practice leader, and David Farber, Senior Director in Ankura’s Data Privacy Practice.

Attendees can self-submit for 1 hour of IAPP CPE credit.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Lelia Pappas.