
Sustainability Outlook European Union: Key Developments In EU Sustainability Law and Policy

December 2021

Our European Public Policy team is pleased to share with you our monthly newsletter, which looks at key developments in EU sustainability law and policy.

This month is a particularly packed issues as the European Commission has proposed a range of climate proposals. This month’s edition includes the following:

  • European Commission proposes new rules to boost renovation and decarbonisation of buildings
  • European Commission sets policy on removing, recycling and sustainably storing carbon
  • European Commission presents new regime on recycled plastic food contact material and articles
  • European Commission formally starts initiative on microplastics releases
  • Member States object to a delegated act on sorting and recycling of waste
  • Taxonomy criteria enter into force
  • European Commission proposes new rules against environmental crime
  • European Commission starts evaluation of the rules on environmental liability
  • European Commission updates recommendation on environmental footprint
  • EU co-legislators agree on 8th Environmental Action Programme
  • European Commission adopts guidelines on climate, environment and energy subsidies
  • Chemical industry warns that upcoming EU chemical legislation puts industry at crucial crossroads
  • High Level Roundtable issues report on enforcement and compliance
  • European Commission’s consultant lays out action plan on essential uses of chemicals
  • European Commission opens consultation on simplification and digitalisation of chemicals labelling
  • ECHA identifies need for regulatory risk management measures or further data regarding chemicals
  • ECHA announces that its scientific committees support further restrictions of PFAS
  • ECHA launches call for evidence on possible restriction dossier for ortho-phthalates
  • EFSA consults on a new tolerable daily intake of bisphenol A
  • ECHA reports on widespread non-compliance of articles sold online
  • European Parliament committee wants to strengthen rules on chemicals in toys
  • EU court dismisses appeal on endocrine disrupting properties of bisphenol A