
Hot Topics in Pensions – Spring 2022

March 2022
Region: Europe

The sun is shining in our Spring Hot Topics in Pensions! We invite you to take a trip out and about with us, taking in some current pensions developments for your trustee and corporate agendas as we enjoy the fresh air. Pack your waterproofs and your sun cream and let’s go.

Our topics include:

  • A stroll along the Brighton prom, as we consider the latest news from The Pensions Regulator.
  • The pensions dashboard – are you prepared? It is certainly not a picnic.
  • A dip into the choppy waters of TCFD governance, reporting and disclosure requirements.
  • A few rumbles of thunder threaten international data transfers.

Please contact any member of our Pensions team for further information on any of the issues covered in our publication.