
Commodities & Shipping Quarterly Update

April 2022
Region: Global

We are delighted to welcome you to the first edition of the Commodities & Shipping Group’s (CSG) Quarterly Update.

We launched the group just before the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020 and despite the challenges that the pandemic presented and that our clients faced, it has been a very exciting time for the group. Over the last 12 months, we have welcomed a number of leading practitioners to the group in London, Singapore, Perth and United States, who join us from well-known commodities and shipping firms including Kate Sherrard, Robert Parson, Ivan Chia, Hazel Brewer, as well as Michael Kaye and Emily Huggins Jones. The group continues to grow exponentially as we develop global “best-in-class” practices in conjunction with our colleagues in the firm. We, and our clients, have all welcomed the collaborative culture and global platform that our firm provides.

In this edition of the CSG Quarterly Update, we provide updates on:

We hope that you find this update an enjoyable and informative read.