With lighter nights and warmer weather, spring is a traditional season for homeowners to turn their attention to DIY projects. Pensions projects have a lot in common with home improvements – they both involve good planning, making sure that you have the right tools for the job and knowing when to call for expert help. Our Spring Hot Topics in Pensions celebrates the British obsession with DIY, as we highlight 10 topics for your trustee or corporate agenda.
The topics covered include:
General code of practice – planning permission is now in place for full construction of the effective system of governance
Lifetime allowance abolition – some of the gaps have been filled in, but further sanding is required for a smooth finish
The Pensions Ombudsman paints a picture of fraud prevention measures in a recent determination
The scaffolding is up and work is underway on a number of defined contribution projects
For further information on any of the topics covered (or for DIY tips), please contact a member of our Pensions team.