Dr. Christian Boehler is a member of our International Dispute Resolution Practice and is based in our Frankfurt office. He specializes in the fields of intellectual property (IP), competition and food law, with a specific focus on branded consumer goods. He advices domestic and foreign clients on trademark issues and handles the branding, labeling, market approval and distribution, as well as any litigation related to such matters.

After studying law at the University of Bayreuth, he graduated with the First State Exam and received an additional title in Business Law (Wirtschaftsjurist, Univ. Bayreuth). Christian is the author of various national and international academic publications in his areas of specialization, which are also recognized by the Federal Court of Germany. He was a fellowship holder in the Intellectual Property and the Public Domain Graduate School at the University of Bayreuth for the draft of his doctoral thesis on obligations to inform consumers.

Christian spent his legal clerkship in Wiesbaden and Frankfurt, where he worked for several international law firms in the fields of litigation, IP and food law. He is a member of the German Association for Intellectual Property and Copyright Law (GRUR).

Christian also comments on the section on “Food Law” in Münchener Anwaltshandbuch zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, as well as several provisions of Regulation (EU) 1151/2012 in Behr's commentary on food law.

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  • Part-time secondment as in-house legal counsel DACH and Nordic at one of the world's largest tire manufacturers for passenger cars, buses, trucks and special vehicles.
  • Advising a food and cleaning vinegar producer in legal disputes on the distinction between food, cleaning products and biocidal products.
  • Advising and representing a vinegar producer before the national courts and the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
  • Representing four major producers of consumer goods in a litigation for damages under German cartel law.
  • Advising a German diary producer in the area of IP law and food law.
  • Advising some of the leading manufacturers of spirits on issues concerning branding, labeling, market approval and distribution of spirit drinks.
  • Advising market-leading manufacturers of consumer goods on data protection, e-commerce regulation, know-how protection and influencer marketing.
  • Representing a major manufacturer of consumer goods in a cartel fine proceeding before the Federal Cartel Office.


  • University of Bayreuth, Unfair Competition Law, 2017
  • Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt, Second State Examination, 2016
  • University of Bayreuth, First State Examination, 2012


  • Germany, 2016


  • German
  • English

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Speaking Engagements

  • Speaker, “Herkunftskennzeichnung unter Irreführungsgesichtspunkten,” 20. Bayreuther FLMR-Herbstsymposium, Universität Bayreuth, October 2021.
  • Speaker, “Lieferketten im Griff von Corona – Was Unternehmen beachten müssen,” Corona-Online-Seminar-Serie, Behr’s Verlag, July 2020.
  • Speaker, “Geheimnisschutz 2.0,” IP Summit, Munich, November 2019.
  • Speaker, “Kooperationen in der Modebranche,” together with international fashion designer Dawid Tomaszewski, Fashion Council Germany e.V., Berlin, November 2019.
  • Speaker, “Rechtliche Grundlagen Influencer-Marketing,” Fashion Council Germany e.V., Berlin, September 2019.
  • Speaker, “Der Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen,” Jahreskonferenz Lebensmittelrecht Behr’s Verlag, Hamburg, May 2019.
  • Speaker, “Neuerungen beim Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen,” Forum Hochfranken, Kulmbach, April 2019.
  • Speaker, “A thin line between the rationalization of consumer choices and overburdening market participants. Are the courts able to keep the balance?” 20th Nordic IPR Network Meeting, Svolvær, Norwegen-Lofoten, May 2014.
  • Speaker, “Possible change of paradigm in unfair competition law,” German Research Foundation Graduate School No. 1148, Schloss, Thurnau, Germany, November 2013.


  • Author, “Bis zum Bitteren Ende … Die rechtliche Beurteilung alkoholfreier Spirituosen im Lichte der Verordnungen (EG) Nr. 110/2018 sowie (EU) 2019/787,” GRUR 10/2022, 689–693.
  • Author, “Mailand oder Madrid, Hauptsache Italien! – Herkunftskennzeichnung unter Irreführungsgesichtspunkten,” WRP 5/2022, 561–565.
  • Author, “Überblick zur Deklaration alkoholfreier ‘Spirituosen,’” Gastbeitrag auf www.about-drinks.com, April 2022.
  • Author, “Herkunftskennzeichnungen unter Irreführungsgesichtspunkten,” LMuR 2/2022, 105–109.
  • Author, “Blauer Plüschelefant: Kennzeichnungspflicht bei Influencern nur für bezahlte Werbung zugleich Besprechung von OLG München BLAUER PLÜSCHELEFANT,” K&R 10/2020, 694–698.
  • Author, “Lieferketten im Griff von Corona – Was unternehmen beachten müssen,” Food & Recht Praxis 2/2020, 11–13.
  • Author, “Bonbons, Vitamine und der mündige Verbraucher zugleich Besprechung von KG ‘NIMM 2,’” ZLR 2/2020, 208–214.
  • Author, “Kooperation mit Influencern erfordert einen Vertrag,” Gastbeitrag in Lebensmittelzeitung (LZ), 6/2020.
  • Author, “Es muss nicht immer Italien sein – EuGH bestätigt Zulässigkeit von deutschem Balsamico,” Food 6 Recht Praxis, 1/2020, 17–19.
  • Author, “Influencer marketing and legal risks,” Gastkommentar auf www.sportswear-international.com, December 2019.
  • Author, “Psst! Ganz geheim! – Novellierung des Schutzes von Geschäftsgeheimnissen,” QM 2019.
  • Author, “Rome is burning: Rechtliche Risiken beim Influencer-Marketing – Part II,” Food & Recht Praxis, 1/2019, 13–16.
  • Author, “Neuregelung des Schutzes von Geschäftsgeheimnissen und Know-How – Handlungsbedarf für Unternehmen,” Food & Recht Praxis, 4/2018, 2–6.
  • Author, “Die wesentliche Information in § 5a II UWG – Eine Gratwanderung zwischen unternehmerischer Freiheit und Verbraucherschutz,” GRUR 8/2018, 886–892.
  • Author, “‘Neuschwansteiner’ oder die Mär vom schlosskundigen Verbraucher – Zugleich Besprechung von OLG München ‘NEUSCHWANSTEINER,’” GRUR-RR 8/2018, 324–325.
  • Author, “Influencer-Marketing – Rechtliche Risiken beim Einsatz von Influencern,” Food & Recht Praxis, 2/2018, 2–5.
  • Author, “Traditionelle Herstellung – Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Verbrauchererwartung und industrieller Realität,” RFL 4/2018, 139–141.
  • Author, “Notwendigkeit einer Rundfunklizenz beim Betrieb von Video-Streaming-Portalen,” Computer&Recht 2017, 541–546.
  • Author, “Das Lebensmittelrecht und die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts,” RFL 7/2017, 233–235.
  • Author, “A thin line between the rationalization of consumer choices and overburdening market participants. Are the courts able to keep the balance?” EFFL 1/2015, 34–39.
  • Author, “‘I’ll be back’ – Kommt es zur Rückkehr des ‘flüchtigen Verbrauchers’ in UWG und Lebensmittelrecht?” ZLR 1/2014, 27–41.
  • Author, “Wettbewerbsrechtliche Schranken für Werbemaßnahmen gegenüber Minderjährigen,” WRP 8/2011, 1028–1034.
  • Author, “Wettbewerbsrechtliche Schranken für Werbemaßnahmen gegenüber Minderjährigen,” WRP 7/2011, 827–833.
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