
For the FCC, a Tricky Balancing Act in Clarifying TCPA Requirements (Telecommunications Law Resource Center, Bloomberg BNA)


DC partners Paul Besozzi and Monica Desai take a closer look at increases in the number of Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) complaints and petitions awaiting clarification of the requirements before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Recent FCC decisions address one main question many have regarding how to  interpret and apply  the TCPA—what is the nature and extent of required prior express consumer consent when calls are made to wireless phones? As Mr. Besozzi and Ms. Desai explain, the FCC, as the federal agency responsible for implementing the TCPA, has an important task of trying to balance the goals of the TCPA with what consumers want and need.

Reprinted with permission from Telecommunications Law Resource Center, The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.