
Draft for a Second Act on the Financing of Future Securing Investments

September 2024
Region: Europe

On 27 August 2024, the Federal Ministry of Finance published the Ministerial Draft for a Second Act on the Financing of Future-Securing Investments (ZuFinG II) (Referentenentwurf des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen Entwurf eines Zweiten Gesetzes zur Finanzierung von zukunftssichernden Investitionen (Zweites Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz– ZuFinG II)).

The draft Future Growth Act II provides for a wide range of individual measures to amend numerous German laws. It essentially serves to implement the federal government’s growth initiative, and to implement several EU legal acts into German law, including through changes to the Securities Trading Act (WpHG), the Banking Act (KWG) and other legal norms to implement the MiFID II/MiFIR reviews (regarding e.g. systematic internalization; issuer-financed research, and best execution).