Welcome to Part 4 of our #PensionsTensions series of publications focusing on The Investment Experience. Part 3 last week explored The Employer Experience, examining the pressures around relationships, affordability, regulatory tensions and adaptability in an economy facing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our #PensionsTensions campaign examines the key challenges currently facing UK pensions from various perspectives, in each case exploring four aspects, assigning each a #PressureMeasure (the higher the score the greater the pressure being faced) and giving our view on where further reflection might lead to welcome change.
In the fourth and final of our series of publications, we focus on the Investment Experience, examining the pressures around:
Strategy – Has the Pandemic Created a Perfect Storm of Competing Tensions when it comes to Investment Strategies?
Control – How Often do Trustees Look in the Mirror and Re-examine their Investment Beliefs?
Preparation – To What Extent Can These Challenges be Headed Off at the Pass?
Opportunity – How Can Pension Schemes Play a Role in Rebuilding the UK Economy?
Download our publication to find out more about these ongoing and emerging challenges.
Also look out for our full report on #PensionsTensions in September.
In the meantime, please do ensure you have seen our previous publications: